Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. We are currently discussing the doctrine of sanctification. In our session last week we discussed two …
[187] Holiness is the Key to Happiness
- January 21, 2021
- Tagged as: Bathsheba, born again, Christian, crucified, definitive sanctification, holiness, Jesus Christ, Joseph, key to happiness, King David, Pharaoh, Potiphar’s wife, progressive sanctification, Regeneration, resurrection, sanctification, Satan, sin, Soteriology, Union with Christ
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. We are currently discussing the doctrine of sanctification. And, more specifically, we have been discussing what …
[119] Jesus Christ Our King
- October 3, 2019
- Tagged as: Anointed One, born again, Christ as King, Christology, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Jesus is Lord, King David, kingdom of darkness, kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven, kingdom of light, kingdom of Satan, kingdom of the Son, Messiah, Satan, Son of David, throne of David, Westminster Shorter Catechism
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine Christology. We have been discussing the offices of Christ and have already covered Christ as our Prophet and as our …
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine Christology. Last time we looked at a number of reasons why Jesus had to be a real man in order …
[89] God’s Providence; the Biblical Data
- March 7, 2019
- Tagged as: Abraham, Babylonian captivity, biblical basis for science, chance, God’s physical laws, God’s providence, God’s rule, God’s throne, heaven, hell, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus Christ, Joseph, King Cyrus of Persia, King David, Messiah, physical laws of the universe, prayer, secondary agents
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine the providence of God. Dr. Spencer, last time we made the point that it is both illogical and unbiblical to …
[86] God Wills to use even our Sin
- February 14, 2019
- Tagged as: Abraham, atonement, concurrence, crucifixion, deo volente, Genesis, God’s decretive will, God’s eternal decree, God’s perfect will, God’s permissive will, God’s preceptive will, God’s sovereignty, God’s will Pontius Pilate, Holy Spirit, Israel, Jacob, Jesus Christ, Joseph in Egypt, Judas, King David, Mount of Olives, Pentecost, Pharaoh, Potiphar, providence, redemption, Sarah, sin, temptation, The Lord’s prayer, Trinity
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine God’s will. Dr. Spencer, we ended last time by looking at 1 Peter 1:18-20, and in verse 20 it says …
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by beginning to examine the doctrine of the infallibility of the Bible. Dr. Spencer, I suspect that this doctrine is unfamiliar to most of …
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of biblical theology today by continuing to examine evidence that corroborates the Bible. Last time we discussed evidence for the Israelite conquest of Canaan. Dr. Spencer, what would …