Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. In our session last week, we showed that as God’s children, we are to imitate God, …
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. More specifically, we are discussing the ordo salutis, or order of salvation and we …
[115] Why did Jesus have to be a Man?
- September 5, 2019
- Tagged as: Adam, anointed, antichrist, atonement, biblical worldview, Christ, Christology, cross, crucifixion, double imputation, double transaction, Easter, federal head, firstborn, firstfruit, hall of fame of faith, heaven, Jesus Christ, Messiah, obedience, propitiation, resurrection, sacrifice, Savior, sin, suffering, Westminster Shorter Catechism
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine Christology. Last time we established that Jesus Christ was fully human and that he overcame every temptation in his humanity, …
[106] We Inherit a Sinful Nature and God Defines Sin
- July 4, 2019
- Tagged as: Adam, Caesar, Christian doctor, creationism, crucifixion, delegated authority, Eve, extermination camps, Garden of Eden, grace, homosexual, Jesus Christ, Sanhedrin, Satan, sin, sinful nature, Spirit, taxes, total depravity, traducianism, unregenerate men, Westminster Shorter Catechism, World War II
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine biblical anthropology. Last time we started to discuss sin, which is the most important aspect of human nature since the …
[101] Authority in the Image of God
- May 30, 2019
- Tagged as: all are ontologically equal, atheism, authority, authority in the home, crucifixion, dichotomy, free will, godhead, husband head of the wife, Jesus Christ, made in the image of God, made male and female, monism, Mount of Olives, ontology, prophet, soul, Spirit, trichotomy, Trinity, volition
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine biblical anthropology. Dr. Spencer, last time we pointed out that the biblical view of women is a high view – …
[86] God Wills to use even our Sin
- February 14, 2019
- Tagged as: Abraham, atonement, concurrence, crucifixion, deo volente, Genesis, God’s decretive will, God’s eternal decree, God’s perfect will, God’s permissive will, God’s preceptive will, God’s sovereignty, God’s will Pontius Pilate, Holy Spirit, Israel, Jacob, Jesus Christ, Joseph in Egypt, Judas, King David, Mount of Olives, Pentecost, Pharaoh, Potiphar, providence, redemption, Sarah, sin, temptation, The Lord’s prayer, Trinity
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine God’s will. Dr. Spencer, we ended last time by looking at 1 Peter 1:18-20, and in verse 20 it says …
[78] God’s Love – the Real Message of Christmas
- December 20, 2018
- Tagged as: atonement, atoning sacrifice, Bethlehem, bronze snake, Christmas, communicable attributes, crucifixion, faith, God’s love, God’s mercy, God’s wrath, Jesus Christ, justification, King Hezekiah, Moses, Nehushtan, Nicodemus, obedience, propitiation, Redeemer, repentance, Salvation, typology, virgin birth
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today with a special Christmas message based on God’s communicable attribute of love, which we saw last time can be considered an aspect of his …