Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. We are now ready to discuss the eighth, and final, item in the order of salvation, …
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. Last week we finished discussing the Christian’s Armor. Dr. Spencer, what would you like to cover …
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. Last week, or I could also say last year, we finished discussing the wonderful doctrine of …
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. In our session last week, we finished our discussion of justification, the doctrine on which the …
[178] An Alien Righteousness
- November 19, 2020
- Tagged as: alien righteousness, analytic justification, analytic statement, antinomianism, Christianity, double imputation, Jesus Christ, justification, justification by faith alone, New birth, order of salvation, predestination, redemption, reformed theology, Regeneration, Roman Catholic church, Salvation, sin, Soteriology, synthetic justification, synthetic statement, triangle of salvation, Union with Christ
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. Last week we showed that justification is a legal declaration of God. As the apostle Paul …
Marc Roby: We are returning to our study of theology today after a fourteen-week long hiatus in which we discussed Marxist and neo-Marxist ideologies from a Christian perspective. How would you like to begin today …
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. More specifically, we are discussing the ordo salutis, or order of salvation and we …
[155] The Protestant Reformation
- June 11, 2020
- Tagged as: 95 theses, absolution, baptism, Bible, calling, Castle church, Christianity, confession, contrition, election, God, grave sin, heaven, hell, indulgences, Jan Hus, Jesus Christ, John Calvin, John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, mortal sin, order of salvation, ordo salutis, penance, Pope, Pope Pius V, priesthood, Protestant Reformation, purgatory, repentance, Roman Catholic church, sacraments, satisfaction, saving faith, sin, St. Peter’s Basilica, state of grace, venial sin, Wittenberg
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. More specifically, we are discussing the ordo salutis, or order of salvation and we …
[144] The Effectual Call
- March 26, 2020
- Tagged as: adoption, conversion, effectual calling, faith, firstfruits, glorification, golden chain of salvation, gospel, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, justification, order of salvation, ordo salutis, perseverance, Regeneration, repentance, Salvation, sanctification, Soteriology, Union with Christ, Westminster Shorter Catechism
Marc Roby: After taking a week off to discuss the proper Christian response to the current corona virus pandemic, we are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine …
[141] Union with Christ
- March 5, 2020
- Tagged as: atonement, baptism, born again, chosen, elect, glorification, God’s glory, God’s love, God’s wrath, golden chain of salvation, heart of flesh, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, new heart, order of salvation, ordo salutis, redemption, Reformed faith, Regeneration, Salvation, Soteriology, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of God, spiritual union, temple of the Holy Spirit, Union with Christ
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. Last time we finished our discussion of the doctrines represented by the acrostic TULIP; namely …