Marc Roby: We are returning to our study of theology today after a fourteen-week long hiatus in which we discussed Marxist and neo-Marxist ideologies from a Christian perspective. How would you like to begin today …
[174] Live Not by Lies, Black Lives Do Matter
- October 22, 2020
- Tagged as: abortion, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Black Lives Matter, Christianity, critical race theory, Darren Wilson, Great Society, I have a dream speech, intersectionality, Jesus Christ, Jim Crow, LGBT, Martin Luther King, Marxism, Mike Brown, neo-Marxism, oppressor class, President Johnson, slavery, systemic racism, truth
Marc Roby: Today we are completing our break from studying theology to look at some current topics of great importance from a Christian perspective. In the past thirteen sessions we have gone through the history …
Marc Roby: We are continuing our break from studying theology to look at some current topics of great importance from a Christian perspective. We discussed capitalism in our last session. Dr. Spencer, what would you …
Marc Roby: We are continuing our break from studying theology to look at some current topics of great importance from a Christian perspective. We finished our background on Marxism and neo-Marxist ideologies last time. Dr. Spencer, what …
[171] Neo-Marxists Want Mob Rule to Destroy America
- October 1, 2020
- Tagged as: Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Angela Davis, Arne Duncan, Barack Obama, Charles F. Potter, Christianity, communism, Communist China, Communist Manifesto, Cuba, Frances Wright, Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse, Humanist Manifesto, immigration, John Dewey, Karl Marx, Marxism, materialist worldview, mobocratic rule, Nelson Mandela, neo-Marxism, New Harmony, North Korea, Orestes Brownson, public education, Robert Dale Owen, Robert Owen, Satan, secular humanism, socialism, Teachers College at Columbia University, USSR, utopia, white privilege, Whittaker Chambers, Young Men’s Lyceum
Marc Roby: We are continuing our break from studying theology to look at some current topics of great importance from a Christian perspective. In our last session we showed how the K-12 public education system in this …