Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine Christology. Last time we finished discussing Christ’s fulfilling the office of our King. Dr. Spencer, what would like to cover …
[122] Christians are Being Transformed
- October 24, 2019
- Tagged as: baptism, born again, Christ as King, Christ as priest, Christology, definitive sanctification, double imputation, double transaction, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, obedience, obedience of faith, progressive sanctification, Regeneration, Union with Christ, Westminster Shorter Catechism
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine Christology. Dr. Spencer, last week we discussed a number of passages in the New Testament to make the case that …
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine Christology. In our previous session we made the point that the only way a person can be saved is by …
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine Christology. In our last session we started to examine Christ as King. He is the ruling sovereign of the kingdom …
[119] Jesus Christ Our King
- October 3, 2019
- Tagged as: Anointed One, born again, Christ as King, Christology, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Jesus is Lord, King David, kingdom of darkness, kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven, kingdom of light, kingdom of Satan, kingdom of the Son, Messiah, Satan, Son of David, throne of David, Westminster Shorter Catechism
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine Christology. We have been discussing the offices of Christ and have already covered Christ as our Prophet and as our …