Marc Roby: Today’s podcast is a special session. It’s our great pleasure to be able to interview Prof. Henry Schaefer III. Prof. Schaefer received his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Physics from MIT and …
[69] Prof. Henry Schaefer III Interview, Part I
- October 18, 2018
- Tagged as: American Seating Company, Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, Christian worldview, comprehensibility of the universe, Erwin Schrödinger, Galata Observatory, Grace Episcopal Church, Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry, Grand Rapids, Henry Schaefer III, Kent Country Club, mathematical physics, MIT, Nobel Prize, Physical Chemist, President Gerald Ford, Quantum chemistry, quantum mechanics, Schrödinger’s equation, Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence?, SIDS, Stanford, Tycho Brahe, University of California at Berkeley, University of Georgia, University of Texas, warfare between science and Christianity