Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of theology today by continuing our examination of eschatology, the doctrine of last things. In our session last week we made the point that the entire New Testament …
[146] Thinking Biblically
- April 9, 2020
- Tagged as: Bible, bride of Christ, Christians, coronavirus pandemic, Covid-19, family of God, general revelation, God’s control of disasters, God’s control of evil, God’s election, God’s inheritance, God’s sovereignty, God’s treasured possession, God’s wrath, heaven, hell, Jesus Christ, laws of physics, New birth, presupposition, problem of evil, Regeneration, Salvation, thinking biblically, worldview
You’re listening to What Does the Word Say, a series of podcasts on biblical theology produced by Grace and Glory Media, and I’m Dr. Spencer. Our usual host Mr. Roby is not with me again …