Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of theology today by continuing to examine soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. We are currently discussing the doctrine of sanctification and, more particularly, the means of grace. We …
[115] Why did Jesus have to be a Man?
- September 5, 2019
- Tagged as: Adam, anointed, antichrist, atonement, biblical worldview, Christ, Christology, cross, crucifixion, double imputation, double transaction, Easter, federal head, firstborn, firstfruit, hall of fame of faith, heaven, Jesus Christ, Messiah, obedience, propitiation, resurrection, sacrifice, Savior, sin, suffering, Westminster Shorter Catechism
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine Christology. Last time we established that Jesus Christ was fully human and that he overcame every temptation in his humanity, …
[95] Where are We Going?
- April 18, 2019
- Tagged as: biblical anthropology, born again, definitive sanctification, Easter, eternal destiny, eternal life, faith, grace, holiness, Jesus Christ, justification, obedience, progressive sanctification, Regeneration, resurrection, sacrifice, Salvation, sanctification, suffering, works
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine biblical anthropology.
This podcast will be released on Thursday, April 18, 2019, which is the day before Good Friday and …
[79] God is Holy, Holy, Holy
- December 27, 2018
- Tagged as: atonement, born again, Christianity, Christmas, Creator, Creator/creature distinction, Easter, evil, faith, God is our creator, God’s holiness, God’s throne, Good Friday, good news, gospel, Habakkuk, heaven, Isaiah, Jesus Christ, Judge, judgment, King of kings, King Uzziah, Lord, Lord of lords, New birth, repentance, sanctification, Savior, sin
Marc Roby: We are resuming our study of systematic theology today by continuing to examine God’s communicable attributes. Dr. Spencer, last time we discussed God’s love, which can be viewed as an aspect of his …